Temporary Membership Suspension Guidelines

Valid reasons for Suspension request:

A) You are not planning on using the facility for more than one billing period and less than a year.

  • When placing membership on Temporary Suspension, the monthly membership fee will no longer be charged.
  • A reactivation fee will be charged at the time of reactivation as well as the prorated remainder of the reactivation month

B) You cannot use the facility due to medical reasons.

  • Medical Suspension requests must be accompanied by a doctor's verification at the time of request.
  • The monthly membership fee will no longer be charged until reactivation.

No reactivation fee will be charged at the time of reactivation. Only a prorated remainder of the reactivation month*.

Additional Information

  1. There are no retroactive Suspensions. Requests will take effect for the following billing cycle when made before the 25th of the month.
  2. Memberships on Temporary Suspension are not considered active and show in the system as cancelled. Member programming rates no longer apply and the rest of your household may no longer qualify for household rates. To receive the household rates, there must be at least two active members in the same household.
  3. Maximum Suspension time is one year. After one year, the benefit of Suspension expires and a full joining fee would be required for a member to reactivate memberships.
  4. Memberships will only be reactivated by Member initiated request. A reactivation fee will be charged at the time of reactivation as well as the prorated remainder of the reactivation month*.

    *Note: If reactivating in less than two billing cycles, the full months dues of the month of return will be charged with no reactivation fee.